Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tea Party

Bryce and I went to a Tea Party rally on April 15th. Interestingly, what we found was a cross section of America. There were older people, teenagers, young parents with children, men with pony tails, men in suits. People of all different races, religions (including people that were not religious), and walks of life attended the rally. As we said the Pledge of Allegance I had to smile at the fact that Tea Party participants are portrayed as the crazy fringe of America. In fact, I'm sure that someone looking for a wild time, thought we were boring. We listened to patriotic music, listened to speeches from junior high aged students, radio hosts, soldiers, religious leaders, and enjoyed a commeraderie of people that truly feel like this is a wonderful country and we are thankful to be here. It gave me hope to see that there are people that feel it was important enough to gather and express their freedom of speech. In my opinion, that's one of the best things about being American. God Bless America!

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